HbA1c analyser - D-10 (bio-rad) operation

HbA1c analyser (bio-rad) operating procedure:-

1.Switch on the main power
2.Machine starts loading operating system
3.click on  START UP
4. Another prompt will come then--- click on DONE
5.It measures all the internal circuit, calibration, waste
It takes around 55 minutes
6. Main screen will on.

QC feeding procedure:-
2 level QC vials will be there-
Low level control- A1cL
High level control-A1cH

Preparation of QC for feeding-
*1500ul Diluent + 5ul QC sample in appendrof tube
*Place in rack on  appendrof  on appendrof tube holder
*Appendrof holder barcode should front faced.
1. Insert the rack
2. click on START

QC feeding manually:-
1. Insert the rack
2. click on  EDIT to edit SAMPLE  ID
3.The SAMPLE ID is edited
4. Click on START

                                                                                                                PREPARED BY:-
                                                                                          MR.RAGHAVENDRA.P (Bsc.MLT)
